Writing Your Artist Statement(s) 

Through this outline, I want to guide you in crafting impactful statements and understanding the profound core they should be rooted in—your manifesto. Think of your manifesto as the "heart-text," the wellspring of your creative philosophy, from which every statement you write can flow. Your manifesto is the soil from which all your artist statements will grow. The manifesto is profound and reflects the heart and intellectualization of your practice, while the statement is the bridge that connects your audience to your work. Writing an artist statement is not just about describing your art—it is about inviting others to see the world through your eyes and feel the questions and impulses guiding you. Let your words carry the same energy as your art, creating a resonance long after being read.

Renato Osoy

Through my interdisciplinary trajectory, I continue to shape meaningful exchanges between art, curation, and education, contributing to a dynamic conversation within the global art community.


Interview You - The Self as Insight


Writing Your Manifesto